Feed the Hill gets more food out to families during the crisis, thanks to Sainsbury’s & FareShare

1 July 2020

Redistributing good quality surplus food to vulnerable people has always been at the heart of what we do at FareShare and, thanks to the support of Food Partners such as Sainsbury’s, we have reached more people than ever before over the course of the coronavirus crisis.

“Weekly food parcels are at the core of our offering, and allow us to reach people that would otherwise be missed.”

We have tripled the amount of food we’re getting out to charities since lockdown began,  opening up nine new warehouse spaces, and signing up 800 more charities across the UK - with Sainsbury’s donating £3million at the start of lockdown to help us meet our additional costs transporting the extra food needed up and down the country.

With the majority of newly signed up charities delivering food parcels to families and people at risk of hunger, Sainsbury’s support couldn’t be more vital.

One of the community organisations receiving food from FareShare is ‘Feed The Hill,’ in South East London. The organisation supplies food to 200 families a week, all of whom are facing food poverty because of Covid-19.

Feed the Hill started to receive food from FareShare London when lockdown was first announced in March, and now supports over 200 families per week. “Food is critical,” says Sharon who runs Feed the Hill. “Weekly food parcels are at the core of our offering, and allow us to reach people that would otherwise be missed.”

“It always brings a smile to people’s faces when we are dropping the boxes off,” adds Sharon. “We received feedback from one of our partner schools that a student was inspired to make a pasta meal and a cake for his mum with FareShare ingredients – that was lovely to hear.”